Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Theology: So good we can hardly speak

Please be warned that this blog post has a high theological radiation count so feel free to skip it.

OK, it is a bit geekish and perhaps even a little sad to combine 'theology' and 'so good we can hardly speak' in one heading.

It's even more worrying that this blog recently has been all about stuff I've read, ie things going on in my head. Should I not get out more, meet people, do things?

Anyway. I've just finished reading
  • A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren (modish theologian in the emerging church movement) and rereading

  • The Open Secret by Lesslie Newbigin (whom I saw once, as a very old man, here in Cambridge).

Along with E Stanley Jones' book mentioned earlier, I can't imagine a better popular theological introduction to what the church should be doing in the world and how it should be doing it. These guys--I may say in a desperate attempt to show that I did get out more once, about a decade ago--rock.

The last few weeks I have heard the grind and creak of heavy furniture being moved around in my head.

The best thing I've learnt is that, through Christ, everything matters. Bednets in Africa matter. Fun and play matters. Adoring Jesus in a quiet room on your own matters. Dinner with my kids matters. Everything matters. Body and soul and community and creation all matter. I need to discard the Phariseeism that I have been schooled in (which says only spiritual stuff really matters). Body, soul, community, creation all die -- and are all raised, so they all matter, and they are indispensable parts of a whole.

What fun.


Seeker said...

I met Lesslie Newbiggen once as well. It was in Selly Oak. In fact, I remember talking to him about Stanley Jones so there is more than one connection here!

This is the first time I've seen your blog - I'll try to pop back.

Glenn said...

Nice to hear from you -- if you've got a blog, let me know.
It's no wonder they're republishing Newbiggin because he's so relevant to where people are at -- a prophetic type who got it right, perhaps.